最近,一直在做网络爬虫相关的东西。 看了一下开源C++写的larbin爬虫,仔细阅读了里面的设计思想和一些关键技术的实现。
1、larbin的URL去重用的很高效的bloom filter算法;
2、DNS处理,使用的adns异步的开源组件; 3、对于url队列的处理,则是用部分缓存到内存,部分写入文件的策略。 4、larbin对文件的相关操作做了很多工作 5、在larbin里有连接池,通过创建套接字,向目标站点发送HTTP协议中GET方法,获取内容,再解析header之类的东西 6、大量描述字,通过poll方法进行I/O复用,很高效 7、larbin可配置性很强 8、作者所使用的大量数据结构都是自己从最底层写起的,基本没用STL之类的东西 ...... 还有很多,以后有时间在好好写篇文章,总结下。这两天,用python写了个多线程下载页面的程序,对于I/O密集的应用而言,多线程显然是个很好的解决方案。刚刚写过的线程池,也正好可以利用上了。其实用python爬取页面非常简单,有个urllib2的模块,使用起来很方便,基本两三行代码就可以搞定。虽然使用第三方模块,可以很方便的解决问题,但是对个人的技术积累而言没有什么好处,因为关键的算法都是别人实现的,而不是你自己实现的,很多细节的东西,你根本就无法了解。 我们做技术的,不能一味的只是用别人写好的模块或是api,要自己动手实现,才能让自己学习得更多。
fetchPage.py 使用Http协议的Get方法,进行页面下载,并存储为文件
'''Created on 2012-3-13Get Page using GET methodDefault using HTTP Protocol , http port 80@author: xiaojay'''import socketimport statisticsimport datetimeimport threadingsocket.setdefaulttimeout(statistics.timeout)class Error404(Exception): '''Can not find the page.''' passclass ErrorOther(Exception): '''Some other exception''' def __init__(self,code): #print 'Code :',code passclass ErrorTryTooManyTimes(Exception): '''try too many times''' passdef downPage(hostname ,filename , trytimes=0): try : #To avoid too many tries .Try times can not be more than max_try_times if trytimes >= statistics.max_try_times : raise ErrorTryTooManyTimes except ErrorTryTooManyTimes : return statistics.RESULTTRYTOOMANY,hostname+filename try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) #DNS cache if statistics.DNSCache.has_key(hostname): addr = statistics.DNSCache[hostname] else: addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) statistics.DNSCache[hostname] = addr #connect to http server ,default port 80 s.connect((addr,80)) msg = 'GET '+filename+' HTTP/1.0\r\n' msg += 'Host: '+hostname+'\r\n' msg += 'User-Agent:xiaojay\r\n\r\n' code = '' f = None s.sendall(msg) first = True while True: msg = s.recv(40960) if not len(msg): if f!=None: f.flush() f.close() break # Head information must be in the first recv buffer if first: first = False headpos = msg.index("\r\n\r\n") code,other = dealwithHead(msg[:headpos]) if code=='200': #statistics.fetched_url += 1 f = open('pages/'+str(abs(hash(hostname+filename))),'w') f.writelines(msg[headpos+4:]) elif code=='301' or code=='302': #if code is 301 or 302 , try down again using redirect location if other.startswith("http") : hname, fname = parse(other) downPage(hname,fname,trytimes+1)#try again else : downPage(hostname,other,trytimes+1) elif code=='404': raise Error404 else : raise ErrorOther(code) else: if f!=None :f.writelines(msg) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) s.close() return statistics.RESULTFETCHED,hostname+filename except Error404 : return statistics.RESULTCANNOTFIND,hostname+filename except ErrorOther: return statistics.RESULTOTHER,hostname+filename except socket.timeout: return statistics.RESULTTIMEOUT,hostname+filename except Exception, e: return statistics.RESULTOTHER,hostname+filenamedef dealwithHead(head): '''deal with HTTP HEAD''' lines = head.splitlines() fstline = lines[0] code =fstline.split()[1] if code == '404' : return (code,None) if code == '200' : return (code,None) if code == '301' or code == '302' : for line in lines[1:]: p = line.index(':') key = line[:p] if key=='Location' : return (code,line[p+2:]) return (code,None) def parse(url): '''Parse a url to hostname+filename''' try: u = url.strip().strip('\n').strip('\r').strip('\t') if u.startswith('http://') : u = u[7:] elif u.startswith('https://'): u = u[8:] if u.find(':80')>0 : p = u.index(':80') p2 = p + 3 else: if u.find('/')>0: p = u.index('/') p2 = p else: p = len(u) p2 = -1 hostname = u[:p] if p2>0 : filename = u[p2:] else : filename = '/' return hostname, filename except Exception ,e: print "Parse wrong : " , url print edef PrintDNSCache(): '''print DNS dict''' n = 1 for hostname in statistics.DNSCache.keys(): print n,'\t',hostname, '\t',statistics.DNSCache[hostname] n+=1def dealwithResult(res,url): '''Deal with the result of downPage''' statistics.total_url+=1 if res==statistics.RESULTFETCHED : statistics.fetched_url+=1 print statistics.total_url , '\t fetched :', url if res==statistics.RESULTCANNOTFIND : statistics.failed_url+=1 print "Error 404 at : ", url if res==statistics.RESULTOTHER : statistics.other_url +=1 print "Error Undefined at : ", url if res==statistics.RESULTTIMEOUT : statistics.timeout_url +=1 print "Timeout ",url if res==statistics.RESULTTRYTOOMANY: statistics.trytoomany_url+=1 print e ,"Try too many times at", urlif __name__=='__main__': print 'Get Page using GET method'
'''Created on 2012-3-16@author: xiaojay'''import fetchPageimport threadpoolimport datetimeimport statisticsimport urllib2'''one thread'''def usingOneThread(limit): urlset = open("input.txt","r") start = datetime.datetime.now() for u in urlset: if limit <= 0 : break limit-=1 hostname , filename = parse(u) res= fetchPage.downPage(hostname,filename,0) fetchPage.dealwithResult(res) end = datetime.datetime.now() print "Start at :\t" , start print "End at :\t" , end print "Total Cost :\t" , end - start print 'Total fetched :', statistics.fetched_url '''threadpoll and GET method'''def callbackfunc(request,result): fetchPage.dealwithResult(result[0],result[1])def usingThreadpool(limit,num_thread): urlset = open("input.txt","r") start = datetime.datetime.now() main = threadpool.ThreadPool(num_thread) for url in urlset : try : hostname , filename = fetchPage.parse(url) req = threadpool.WorkRequest(fetchPage.downPage,args=[hostname,filename],kwds={},callback=callbackfunc) main.putRequest(req) except Exception: print Exception.message while True: try: main.poll() if statistics.total_url >= limit : break except threadpool.NoResultsPending: print "no pending results" break except Exception ,e: print e end = datetime.datetime.now() print "Start at :\t" , start print "End at :\t" , end print "Total Cost :\t" , end - start print 'Total url :',statistics.total_url print 'Total fetched :', statistics.fetched_url print 'Lost url :', statistics.total_url - statistics.fetched_url print 'Error 404 :' ,statistics.failed_url print 'Error timeout :',statistics.timeout_url print 'Error Try too many times ' ,statistics.trytoomany_url print 'Error Other faults ',statistics.other_url main.stop()'''threadpool and urllib2 '''def downPageUsingUrlib2(url): try: req = urllib2.Request(url) fd = urllib2.urlopen(req) f = open("pages3/"+str(abs(hash(url))),'w') f.write(fd.read()) f.flush() f.close() return url ,'success' except Exception: return url , None def writeFile(request,result): statistics.total_url += 1 if result[1]!=None : statistics.fetched_url += 1 print statistics.total_url,'\tfetched :', result[0], else: statistics.failed_url += 1 print statistics.total_url,'\tLost :',result[0],def usingThreadpoolUrllib2(limit,num_thread): urlset = open("input.txt","r") start = datetime.datetime.now() main = threadpool.ThreadPool(num_thread) for url in urlset : try : req = threadpool.WorkRequest(downPageUsingUrlib2,args=[url],kwds={},callback=writeFile) main.putRequest(req) except Exception ,e: print e while True: try: main.poll() if statistics.total_url >= limit : break except threadpool.NoResultsPending: print "no pending results" break except Exception ,e: print e end = datetime.datetime.now() print "Start at :\t" , start print "End at :\t" , end print "Total Cost :\t" , end - start print 'Total url :',statistics.total_url print 'Total fetched :', statistics.fetched_url print 'Lost url :', statistics.total_url - statistics.fetched_url main.stop()if __name__ =='__main__': '''too slow''' #usingOneThread(100) '''use Get method''' #usingThreadpool(3000,50) '''use urllib2''' usingThreadpoolUrllib2(3000,50)
实验环境:ubuntu10.04,网络较好,python2.6 存储:小文件,每个页面,一个文件进行存储 PS:由于学校上网是按流量收费的,做网络爬虫,灰常费流量啊!!!过几天,可能会做个大规模url下载的实验,用个几十万的url试试。实验结果:
使用urllib2 ,usingThreadpoolUrllib2(3000,50)
Start at : 2012-03-16 22:18:20.956054
End at : 2012-03-16 22:22:15.203018 Total Cost : 0:03:54.246964 Total url : 3001 Total fetched : 2442 Lost url : 559 下载页面的物理存储大小:84088kb
使用自己的getPageUsingGet ,usingThreadpool(3000,50)
Start at : 2012-03-16 22:23:40.206730
End at : 2012-03-16 22:26:26.843563 Total Cost : 0:02:46.636833 Total url : 3002 Total fetched : 2484 Lost url : 518 Error 404 : 94 Error timeout : 312 Error Try too many times 0 Error Other faults 112 下载页面的物理存储大小:87168kb
小结: 自己写的下载页面程序,效率还是很不错的,而且丢失的页面也较少。但其实自己考虑一下,还是有很多地方可以优化的,比如文件过于分散,过多的小文件创建和释放定会产生不小的性能开销,而且程序里用的是hash命名,也会产生很多的计算,如果有好的策略,其实这些开销都是可以省略的。另外DNS,也可以不使用python自带的DNS解析,因为默认的DNS解析都是同步的操作,而DNS解析一般比较耗时,可以采取多线程的异步的方式进行,再加以适当的DNS缓存很大程度上可以提高效率。不仅如此,在实际的页面抓取过程中,会有大量的url ,不可能一次性把它们存入内存,而应该按照一定的策略或是算法进行合理的分配。 总之,采集页面要做的东西以及可以优化的东西,还有很多很多。